21 Best Mental Health Apps for Men's Wellness [2023]

  1. Mental health resources for men
  2. Online resources
  3. Apps and tools
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The Best Mental Health Apps that can help improve your Mental Wellbeing in 2023 

In today’s world, mental health is a pressing issue that affects many people, particularly men. With the prevalence of digital technologies, there are now more apps and tools available than ever to help individuals gain access to mental health resources. This article explores the various apps and tools available to men looking for mental health resources online.

From online support groups to telemedicine services, apps and tools can provide a range of options for men seeking help for mental health issues. With these technological advances, men can now access information and support from the comfort of their own homes.

Do apps for mental health work as a substitute for therapy? 

No, apps and tools for mental health may help you manage your symptoms and progression towards mental wellness, but these apps aren't meant to be a full substitute. They can be used along with your current professional mental health care therapy and practices. Some of the ways these apps work include:

  • Providing Short Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) like sessions throughout your week
  • Teaching you coping strategies and techniques to help boost your mental health, such as meditation and mindfulness
  • Tracking habits you wish to improve, such as anger management
  • Tracking and monitoring daily moods and mental health symptoms 

Overall, there are a variety of apps that focus on different things, such as providing educational materials or connecting users with mental health professionals, while others offer social support through online communities or forums. Using apps and tools for mental health can have many benefits. 

For those who just need to maintain their common mental health and wellness challenges, these are perfect enough on their own. These mobile apps are enough to keep you in check. However, if you have a severe condition or mental health concerns, please reach out to a mental health professional to administer treatment you need. 

What are the Benefits of Using Mental Wellness apps? 


Apps and tools are easy to access and use. You can access them anytime, anywhere, and they provide a convenient way to access mental health resources.

Cost Savings

Using apps and tools can be significantly cheaper than traditional mental health resources, such as therapy sessions. Many apps are free or offer discounted rates for users. Furthermore, having these tools are great for self-management and alleviation. While nothing compares to real people, these tools can greatly improve the effectiveness of the therapists in their diagnosis and treatment through documentation of symptoms. 


The use of apps and tools can help individuals become more aware of their mental health. Tracking progress, goals, and symptoms can help individuals gain insight into their mental health. In the throes of daily hustle, having an app like this reminds me of my progress and gradual improvement. 

Improved Communication

Using apps and tools can help individuals communicate more effectively with their healthcare providers and loved ones about their mental health. For me personally, I find it easier to communicate my thoughts and feelings through writing. It's also a great way to clarify them in writing, giving me the ability to improve my communication. This helps individuals find the best possible treatment for their mental health needs.

5 Best Overall Mental Health Apps for Australian Men in 2023 

These are the best apps available to help you with your mental wellbeing  

  • Talkspace - Online Therapy 
  • Smiling Mind - Free Meditation for Mental Wellness
  • Talklife - Mental Health support network 
  • Daylio - Journal and Tracker
  • Youper - CBT Therapy 

Online-therapy.com - Online Therapy

online-therapy.com is a mobile app that offers online therapy with licensed therapists via text, voice, and video chat. The pros of Online-therapy.com include convenience, accessibility, and affordability compared to traditional in-person therapy. It also offers anonymity, which can be helpful for those who are hesitant to seek help in person. However, some cons of include the lack of in-person interaction, which may be important for some individuals, and the fact that it may not be covered by insurance. It's also important to note that while online therapy can be beneficial, it may not be suitable for everyone.

Smiling Mind - Free Meditation for Mental Wellness

 Smiling Mind is a free mobile app that offers guided meditation exercises to help with mental wellness. The pros of Smiling Mind include its accessibility and affordability, as well as its ease of use. It can be helpful for individuals who are looking to reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus, and promote overall mental well-being. However, some cons of the app include the fact that it may not be as effective for those with more severe mental health conditions and the need for consistent practice to see long-term benefits.

Talklife - Mental Health support network

 Talklife is a mobile app that offers a mental health support network where individuals can connect with others who may be going through similar experiences. The pros of Talklife include the sense of community and support it offers, as well as the ability to connect with others who may be going through similar struggles. It also allows for anonymity, which can be helpful for those who may not feel comfortable sharing their experiences with others in person. However, some cons of Talklife include the fact that it is not a substitute for professional help, and some individuals may find it triggering to read about others' experiences.

Daylio - Journal and Tracker

Daylio is mobile app for android and Apple IOS that allows individuals to track their mood, activities, and other daily habits. The pros of Daylio include the ability to identify patterns and triggers that may be affecting one's mental health, as well as the ability to set and achieve goals. It can also be helpful for those who may not have the time or resources for traditional therapy. However, some cons of Daylio include the fact that it may not be suitable for those with more severe mental health conditions, and it may not provide the same level of support and guidance as professional help.

Youper - CBT Therapy

 Youper is a mobile app that offers Ai-powered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) exercises to help with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. The pros of Youper include its accessibility, affordability, and convenience compared to traditional in-person therapy. It can also be helpful for individuals who may be hesitant to seek help in person. However, some cons of Youper include the fact that it may not be suitable for everyone, and it may not provide the same level of support and guidance as professional help. It's also important to note that while CBT exercises can be beneficial, they may not be enough for individuals with more severe mental health conditions.

3 Best Depression and Anxiety Management Apps 

Depression and Anxiety are one of the most common mental health conditions in the world.  These apps are readily available and free to download to help you manage your 

3 Best Online Therapy Apps and Services 

While visiting an in-person therapist is the best possible form of therapy, not everyone can afford that kind of service. Online therapy is a perfect alternative to this. Here are the best online therapy apps and services we recommend: 

  • Talkspace
  • Betterhelp 
  • Online-therapy.com 

5 Best Online Resources to Use with your Mental Health Apps 

You may not be in a crisis, but may know someone why a mental health condition. Here are 5 of the best online resources that you can use to understand their conditions and hear from those going through the same thing. 

  • Mentalhealth.gov
  • Headspace Podcast 
  • National Alliance on Mental Illnenss
  • Men's Mental Health Network 

Choosing the Best Mental Health App for your Needs

How to use a Mental Health App 

Mobile apps and online tools are really effective in the assistance of mental health. To effectively use these apps and tools, here are the following suggestions on how to use them: 

  • Set realistic goals when using the app. 
  • Be consistent, even if it's once or twice a week you check in 
  • Be gentle with yourself 
  • Choose the best mental health app
  • Remember what the app is designed for 
  • Seek Professional help when necessary 

When using apps and tools to help manage mental health, it is important to use them effectively. 

Remember, important to seek professional help when necessary. While apps and tools can be helpful in managing mental health, they should not replace professional help. If there is a need for more intensive treatment or therapy, then seeking out a qualified professional should be the priority.

How to Choose the Right App to help manage your mental health 

Choosing the right app or tool for your mental health situation can be overwhelming with so many options available. Here's a comprehensive bulleted list to help guide your decision-making process:

  1. Identify your mental health needs: Take some time to reflect on what you hope to gain from using an app or tool for mental health support. Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, or stress? Do you need help managing symptoms related to a specific condition, like bipolar disorder or PTSD? Identifying your needs will help you narrow down your options.

  2. Research reputable sources: Look for reputable sources that review and recommend mental health apps or tools. For example, the American Psychological Association has a database of mental health apps that have been reviewed and tested by mental health professionals.

  3. Consider the app's approach: Look for apps that are evidence-based and use proven therapeutic techniques, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or mindfulness practices. Make sure the app's approach aligns with your personal values and beliefs.

  4. Check for user reviews: Read reviews from other users to get a sense of how effective and user-friendly the app or tool is. Look for reviews from individuals with similar mental health concerns as yours.

  5. Consider the app's features: Look for apps that offer features that match your needs, such as guided meditations, journaling prompts, mood tracking, or support groups.

  6. Check the privacy policy: Look for apps that have clear privacy policies and prioritize the protection of your personal information. Make sure you're comfortable with the data the app collects and how it's used.

  7. Consider the cost: Some mental health apps or tools are free, while others require a subscription or one-time payment. Make sure you're comfortable with the cost and that it aligns with your budget.

  8. Try it out: Once you've narrowed down your options, try out a few apps or tools to see which one works best for you. It's important to remember that not every app or tool will work for every individual.

  9. Seek professional help if needed: While mental health apps and tools can be helpful, they are not a substitute for professional help. If you're experiencing severe or persistent mental health symptoms, seek help from a mental health professional.

Other Health and Wellbeing Tools Available 

When it comes to managing mental health, apps and tools can be incredibly helpful. There are a variety of different apps and tools available, each offering a unique set of features and resources. Some of the most popular apps and tools include:

Mental Health Apps: Mental health apps are designed to provide users with self-care tools, reminders, coping mechanisms, and access to mental health professionals.

These apps can provide users with information about various mental health topics and help them find resources to support their mental health. Additionally, some mental health apps have features that allow users to track their moods, goals, and progress over time.

Online Therapy Services: Online therapy services are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and affordability. These services provide users with access to licensed therapists who can help them manage their mental health issues. Online therapy services often offer sessions via video or phone calls, and can provide users with access to evidence-based treatments and resources to help them cope with their mental health issues.

Support Groups: Support groups are one of the most effective ways for people to find support and understanding from others who are dealing with similar issues. Support groups can be found online as well as in-person, and can provide individuals with a safe space to discuss their mental health issues and receive support from others.

Meditation and Mindfulness Apps: Meditation and mindfulness apps are designed to help users reduce stress, improve focus, and relax. These apps provide users with guided meditations, soundscapes, and other helpful tools for calming down and managing stress.

Self-Help Books and Audiobooks: Self-help books are a great resource for anyone looking for guidance on how to manage their mental health. These books cover a variety of topics related to mental health and can provide users with an insight into how they can improve their own mental wellbeing.

It is important for men to take control of their mental health and make use of the many resources available to them. When selecting an app or tool, make sure to research it thoroughly to ensure it fits your needs. Additionally, be sure to use the tools effectively by setting goals and tracking your progress. Lastly, explore the many online resources available so you can find the best ones for your individual needs.

Michael Donahugue
Michael Donahugue

After witnessing the recovery of a friend, I've dedicated my time towards Mental Health Advocacy in Men and Women along with my flatmate, Ruth Dunkfield.

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